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Submit News

If you have news of interest to Halloween enthusiasts, you can submit it yourself below or email it to Your news or event should be of specific interest to Halloween lovers, and if possible should include the following:

  • At least one prepared paragraph of descriptive/explanatory text.
  • An image or link to a video related to the topic under submission.
  • A link for readers to go to for additional information.

News items should be HALLOWEEN related. If the story is about a product, the product needs to be clearly Halloween-specific (if a connection has to be made, then it’s probably too far off topic). This line can get blurry when it comes to horror and the haunted attraction industry (and their vendors), so judgments will have to be made on a case-by-case basis.

If you’re not sure if your news item will qualify, contact us and ask!

Please Note: You must be a registered, logged-in user to use the form below.

  • Enter the title of your news item here. Keep it succinct.
  • This is where your text goes - be sure to include relevant dates, times, location and most important, a link for additional information!
  • Choose the category or categories that best match the subject of your story.
  • Enter any relevant searchable tags that relate to your story; separate each with a comma
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Submit News!

If you have a news item of interest to Halloween lovers, you may post it yourself HERE; an Admin will review and approve it shortly!

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Pumpkin Sounds

The Cult Endorses

The Dark Art of Chad Savage
A Haunted House Reality Web Series
Haunters Against Hate

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